10 мая 2018 г. кафедрой теории германских языков и межкультурной коммуникации был проведен День театрализованных постановок на английском языке. Студенты второго курса отделения иностранных языков самостоятельно писали сценарий, придумывали костюмы и с удовольствием демонстрировали свой актерский талант всем присутствующим. Инициатором мероприятия стала Стелла Гатцке, стажер по программе Fulbright (США).
Отзыв Стеллы Гатцке:
On May 10th, four groups of second-year linguistics students presented plays in English as part of Café Linguistique. The plays were “Harry Potter and the Very Wild West,” “The Blue Beard,” “Momotaro—a tale of a boy: from just a peach to demon-fighting hero,” and “Pumpkin City.” Since I got a job teaching English here, I knew I wanted to do theatre with my students. Theatre is a great way to practice language, both for the performers and for the audience. Not to mention, it’s also a great chance to practice public speaking and (hopefully) have some fun. I asked my second year students to write their own plays and gave them some topic ideas. The students did all the work themselves; some of them found plays online to adapt, and some took folk tales or movies and changed them into a play. I was so impressed by the students’ motivation and self-sufficiency—I hardly helped at all, and they were able to create really exciting performances. The students were able to overcome problems such as groupmates not participating or not having the right costumes. I’m very grateful to all the students who participated, and I hope that in the years to come this tradition continues.
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